Euro Pacific Bank

Changes to margin requirements for Futures as of Nov 23 2016

EFFECTIVE: Wednesday, 23 November 2016 at 1:00PM GMT

Exchanges have revised the margin requirements as per below web links:

The margin requirements for the following contracts will be changed on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 at 1:00PM GMT.

If you require details of the assumed impact of the change for Futures do not hesitate to contact the Bank.

Base Contract Base Name Exchange Curr Initial Margin Maint. Margin New Initial Margin New Maint. Margin Change Pct
BAX 3 Month Bankers’ Acceptance Bourse de Montreal Inc. CAD 430 430 470 470 9.07%
GE 3 Month Eurodollar Chicago Mercantile Exchange USD 580 530 670 610 14.15%
HG Copper Commodity Exchange (COMEX) USD 2530 2300 3030 2750 19.57%
SI Silver Commodity Exchange (COMEX) USD 6380 5800 7150 6500 12.07%
OMX OMX Index NASDAQ OMX Stockholm SEK 11980 11980 12140 12140 1.32%
HRC Hot-Rolled Steel Index New York Mercantile Exchange USD 470 430 570 510 18.60%
PA Palladium New York Mercantile Exchange USD 5480 5480 5840 5840 6.57%
OBX OBX Index Oslo Børs/Oslo Stock Exchange NOK 5670 5670 5740 5740 1.22%
PH MSCI Philippines Index Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Ltd. USD 1190 1190 1210 1210 1.68%
SCO Iron Ore CFR China (62% Fe Fines) Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Ltd. USD 770 700 880 800 14.29%
SSI Nikkei 225 Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Ltd. JPY 418000 380000 473000 430000 13.16%